Gloom (She is Lost Inside)


Gloom is about her, a deprived soul, ready to leave behind all her luxuries just to live a peaceful life, far away from all bullies by the people, she considered as friends.



Friends as they greeted her, with their crooked smile and a tormenting heart;

Looming her deprived soul, just to descend it boundlessly in the murky ocean of solitude.

Oh God! As she imparted the creator, with her wobbly hands and her wrecked soul;

defying all treasures and glories, just demanding a pacific presence among these immoral mortals.





Ardent Writer - Voracious Speaker and Reader - A Communications Engineer - A Novice who aspires to become an inspiring professional. Highly optimistic dissertation writer graduated as an Electronics and Communication Engineer determined to continue and excel in technical and creative writing. Started my professional career as a software engineer and gained practical experience in working with python, RDBMS, Java, Dot Net, Selenium, VBScript and RPA. Over the past 12 months, I have pursued my interest in writing by effectively pursuing and completing various technical dissertations and academic writings

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